Accountant Cover Letter Sample

January 10, 2024

Here’s a sample Cover Letter we recently produced for a Accounting Manager in Australia.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • About the Accounting Manager Role
  • What Hiring Manager Look For In Accounting Manager Cover Letter
  • Accounting Manager Job Opportunities
  • Job Hunting Tips from our Resident Headhunter

Accounting Manager Cover Letter [Full Sample]

Here’s a full Accounting Manager Cover Letter sample, which we wrote for a client recently.

Email:   |   Mobile: +61 491 570 110
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

[If you know the hiring manager’s name, address them directly. LinkedIn job ads often state the name of the person posting the ad.]

Application for the Position of Senior Accounting Manager

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my application for the position of Senior Accounting Manager at ABC Organization. Through my 12-year career, I have had the opportunity to oversee and drive a full range of accounting functions, including AP/AR, GL preparation, financial reporting, audit management, and financial controls. I also possess experience in preparing corporate financial statements and consolidating accounts in several globally-recognised multinational and listed organizations, including XYZ Company and ABC Company. Finally, as a recognised subject-matter expert in compliance and regulatory affairs, my deep know-how in prevailing reporting standards grants me experience with advising senior management on corporate compliance-related issues, providing insights on company-wide policymaking processes.[Summarise your work experience as an Accountant, which will help give the hiring manager an idea of what you can do!]

  • Presently, I am an Accounting Manager at XYZ Company, where I supervise a team of 4 accountants and finance officers to oversee AP, AR, & GL functions for a leading FMCG MNC with annual revenue of USD$100 million and presence in 20 countries. We also oversee all credit control issues and AR for a portfolio of 3 key brands worth USD$30 million collectively. I also spearheaded the installation of QuickBooks accounting software across XYZ Company’s Accounting Division, in order to provide improved transparency of accounts, increasing team productivity/efficiency and enhancing management of company cash flows. Among my Achievements, I am proudest of successfully reducing our Division’s month-end closing from 90 days to 25 days through automation and streamlining our processes. [Single out your best achievements. Providing metrics is key to substantiate your accomplishments and prove your abilities.]

With my extensive experience in compliance and regulatory affairs, managing accounting functions and digitizing workflows to enhance efficiency, I am positive in my ability to contribute improvements and insights on company-wide policymaking processes to drive ABC Organization’s continued growth and performance. [Focus again on your top skills as required by the role or firm. Here, highlight key experiences that are directly relevant to the target role.]

I am thrilled at the possibility of being part of such a renowned firm, and would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the value that I can bring to ABC Organization. I appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact me at any time via mobile at +61 1234 5678 or by email at [Finally, cap your Cover Letter with a call-to-action – show your excitement to meet your potential employer, and provide ways you can be contacted.]

Yours sincerely,
Oliver Fowler


About the Accounting Manager Role

Accountancy is a discipline which is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Amidst challenging job market conditions, it’s seen as an ‘iron rice bowl’ – every company needs someone to keep the books, and while the basic bookkeeping may be automated away, high-level accounting and financial management entails a lot of subjective decision making which computers can’t easily handle. Just look at the grades needed to even get in the door in our local universities now: nearly straight ‘A’s!

I’ve seen a lot of accountants looking for new jobs recently. Unlike other industries, they’re not coming to me because they can’t land a job. They’re coming to me because they want to land a more senior position at a better company. This is great news! At the most basic level, this entails a different strategy – I tend to spend a lot more time with these clients to get every single achievement and project they’ve worked on in the past. To stand out, those are a must. This is especially the case in industries dominated by high-flyers, where performance is very easy to measure objectively. The most common problem I see is that these achievements aren’t presented well, if at all. It seems we Australians are a modest bunch. That’s not good in the context of a job search. Modesty most definitely has its place, but we need to sell ourselves better. We must be confident in our abilities!

What Hiring Managers Look for in Accounting Manager Cover Letters

  • Your strong experience in financial, compliance, and/or controlling functions within SMEs and large corporations
  • You being comfortable and confident in doing budget planning, forecast, and preparation
  • Deep understanding of the financial market and trends in Australia
  • Proven expertise in using accounting and financial systems

Accounting Manager Job Opportunities

  • Join LinkedIn groups or follow companies you wish to work for to keep abreast with new job openings.
  • Alternatively, you can reach out to these headhunters in Australia to learn about any vacancies they may be trying to fill out.

Job Hunting Tips from our Resident Headhunter

Before You Go…

Before you start sending out applications, send us your resume for a free CV feedback analysis from our team. We’ll review your CV in detail, share personalised feedback on its strengths and weaknesses, and show you how you can improve it.

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